Dr. Laurie Marker with Nathalie Santerre at Geed-Deeble, Somaliland
- by Cheetah Conservation Fund Canada December 19, 2023

Join us in celebrating the incredible work being done by Cheetah Conservation Fund (CCF) in Somaliland! With Nathalie Santerre from Canada as the Animal Care Manager, 96 rescued cheetahs are receiving the care they need.
In January 2023, Cheetah Conservation Fund (CCF) completed the construction of the new Cheetah Rescue & Conservation Centre in Geed-Deeble, Somaliland. CCF was able to transfer all the rescued cheetahs from the five safe houses that were located in Hargeisa from February to July.
Looking ahead to 2024, Dr. Marker indicated that CCF’s focus will be on building an education centre, combating the illegal wildlife trade, and providing enrichment for the cheetahs. Help make this possible by considering a year-end donation.
At the time of video, CCF had 96 rescued cheetahs under their care. Since, two more cheetah cubs were rescued and are at the centre under close watch.

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Related Reading
October 26, 2023
Two new cheetah cubs rescued in Somaliland -
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