Brownies Celebrate World Thinking Day with the Cheetah
- by CCF Staff May 6, 2022

A Brownie troop in Pennsylvania participated in a Girl Scouts event called World Thinking Day. The idea behind the day is to connect people across different countries and cultures – the PA troop studied Namibia.
Upon learning about the cheetah population stronghold in Namibia and the work being done to help cheetahs, the girls wanted to do something too. Their idea was to share information and resources (including CCF by directing people to so that other girls in their area would be able to learn more about cheetahs and the importance of the species to the Namibian community. They made the bookmarks above and handed them out to 100 other Girl Scouts, class mates, and teachers in hopes to spread knowledge, appreciation and awareness about cheetah conservation and protection.
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