Home Range for the Holidays
- by Dr. Laurie Marker November 7, 2022

CCF’s Annual Matching Campaign
This year, your power as a member of CCF’s family of dedicated supporters, volunteers and interns was felt as we returned to full operations at our Field Centres in Namibia and Somaliland. Please continue your support during our Home Range for the Holidays campaign!
With your generous support this past year we were able to:

Help reintroduce the cheetah back into its historic range in India, as stewards of a gift of eight wild cheetahs from the people of Namibia.
- Welcome a total of 9,381 daily visitors and overnight guests from around the world at our Centre in Namibia.
- Benefit from the generous expertise of 70 professional volunteers and interns across both of our Centres.
- Complete the first collection of translated educational materials customized for use in Somaliland to reduce human-wildlife conflict.
- Continue construction at our new Cheetah Rescue and Conservation Centre in Somaliland. We completed a new veterinary clinic and staff housing.

Return to in-person meetings and events across the United States. I was very happy to see longtime supporters and meet many new people.
This is a very important time of year for us as we determine our plans to advance CCF’s rangewide research, education and conservation efforts. With your help, the cheetah population has stabilized in Namibia (our primary base of operations), but they are still the most endangered big cat across their African range. To save the species in the wild, we need to make big plans and act quickly.
Last year, we were very fortunate for your overwhelming support to help our efforts during our Home Range for the Holidays campaign. We hope you will help us again.
At the beginning of this year, we were very thankful for all that we had overcome and accomplished. With a necessary plan in place and armed with your donations, we stepped forward into 2022 with renewed determination and focus. By giving to CCF before December 31st, you can double your donation up to $400,000. Please join our Year-End Challengers and help us start 2023 with the funding needed to continue our important efforts and accomplish the new challenges ahead of us by making a gift today.
Along with the rest of the world, CCF faced many adversities during the past two years. Due to widespread travel restrictions and delays, we were in need of helping hands and critical supplies at our Field Centres in Namibia and Somaliland. With the help of zoo and university partners we were able to fill in shortages with teams of dedicated volunteers and interns. Zoo partners and corporate donors stepped forward to help by providing animal care and veterinary supplies and shipping assistance. As travel restrictions lift, we are again welcoming a steady stream of volunteers, veterinarians and interns coming from all over the world and are bringing with them much needed replenishment of supplies that we are not able to source, especially in Somaliland.

Research efforts continued in Somaliland with three community surveys in the rural areas in the western and eastern parts of Somaliland and in the Somali Region of Ethiopia, along the Somaliland border. In Namibia, we began new research projects focused on the exciting possibility of expanding our predator conflict mitigation tools from our Livestock Guarding Dog (LGD) program through placing more dogs on farms with small stock and expanding their use to work with cattle. In addition, we have begun more research on the use of Livestock Guarding Donkeys to help protect young calves.
Our community outreach and education teams in Namibia continue to support the rural communities through our One Health Program. We are providing rabies vaccination clinics for pets, livelihood development assistance, human-wildlife conflict mitigation techniques that save precious livestock by preventing predation, and once again school educational programs.
Please help us continue to have a positive impact across the cheetah’s range by making a donation during our Home Range for the Holidays campaign. All donations made before midnight December 31st will be doubled, up to $400,000. All our successes are thanks to your support.
We hope you will continue to join us in our important mission to save the cheetah in the wild.

Year-End Challengers
Anonymous | Sherry Atterbury | Patricia J. Bade | Elaine H. Besson | Brooks H. Browne | Susan A. McCord and Richard Castro | James Clark, DVM | Candice Clough | Jenny Cordina | Sally F. Davidson | Barbara Nolan & Henry Eimstad | Steven H. Eklund | Bert & Candee Forbes | James A. Poley & Joyce Kaneshiro | Marisa Y. Katnic | Richard & Darcy Kopcho | Beth Leonard | Elizabeth Marquart | Laura Nachbur | Sara R. Nichols | Jack and Sheryl Overall | Linda Pauer | JP & Caitlin Pollack | Marci Rubin | Gary Rygmyr | Adina L. Savin | James & Katherine O. Snowden | Dr. Roswitha Kima Smale | James & Magalen Webert | Angela C. Weisskopf | Deborah Arnold & Walt Zipperman | Berman Family Philanthropic Fund | Bruce G. Geary Foundation | Concierge Unlimited International | Infinite Safari Adventures | Lehr Family Charitable Fund | Margery Nicolson Trust | Polly Horton Hix Foundation | Safari West | The Living Desert Zoo & Gardens | Wildlife Protection Solutions (WPS)
Related Reading
February 7, 2024
Dr. Laurie Marker’s Opening Speech at the Global Cheetah Summit -
November 15, 2023
Double Your Gift – Home Range for the Holidays 2023