Talent Day at Saint Alban Leysse Intermediate school
- by Cecile Falbert July 11, 2019

Once again this year, fifth graders have mobilized for the protection of biodiversity, particularly cheetah. They sponsor an orphan cheetah living in Namibia, in a sanctuary dedicated to the reception and rehabilitation of these beautiful felines, the CCF (Cheetah Conservation Fund) founded by American zoologist Dr Laurie Marker. This year, Cécile Falbert’s classes organized their presentation during Talent Day (June 20, 2019). All students and teachers were present. This day sees various talents express themselves: musicians, dancers, acrobats. Cheetah cause was presented by students in 5th grade (12 years old). A fundraiser was made by selling cakes made by the students.

Several times a year, the students also organize cake sales and profits are sent to the CCF, especially for B2, the young cheetah they chose. B2 was named after a mining company located in Namibia. He will never be able to be released into the wild because he was deprived of the education of his mother. He now leads a peaceful life at the CCF where he is provided with the best care.
The sponsorship action of the kids is an opportunity for them to address the very worrying situation of cheetahs, like that of many other wildlife species. The cheetah population was 100,000 in the last century; they are only 7500 today. This is what the students reminded the community of their college during a mobilization operation; they also talked about the decline of the rhinoceros, elephants, sharks and great apes.
Mrs Brigitte Pétraz who has often visited CCF in Namibia was at the college and has shared her experience. Dr. Laurie Marker is delighted with this partnership with a French college; it relies heavily on education and the school to raise awareness about environmental protection. It is indeed the young generations that will soon be responsible for protecting and preserving the diversity of life on our planet; when we see with what energy and enthusiasm the students of the college De Maistre lead this action of sponsorship and optimism.

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